Installing the bookmarklet on desktops and laptops
Installation Instructions
Right-click and “copy” the following link
In the bookmarks toolbar, click “Add Bookmark”
Under “Name” where it says “New Bookmark” change that to something you can remember, such as NU Library Login
Under URL, right-click and “Paste” the code above.
Click “Save”
Right-click on your bookmarks toolbar and select “Bookmark manager”
Next to “Search bookmarks”, select the three dots and “Add new bookmark”
Give the bookmark a name, such as NU Library Login or something similar that you can remember.
In the URL field, paste the following exactly
Click “Save”.
Safari on MacOS
If your favorites are not already showing at the top of the browser, select “View–>show favorites”
Select “Bookmarks–Add Bookmark”. You will add a bookmark to this page.
- Add this page to: leave as the default, to add this page to Favorites
- Rename the bookmark: give it a name to help you remember, such as NU Library login
Right click on the bookmark (control click on MacOS) and paste the following exactly:
Using the bookmarklet
When you are off-campus and follow a link to an article or webpage to which Northeastern’s library subscribes, tap the NULogin Bookmarklet on your bookmarks toolbar or in your bookmarks list. You will be redirected through the campus login page and will then be returned to the resource with full-text access. You may need to select the bookmarklet for each link, but you will only have to sign in the first time in your session.
If the library does not have a subscription to the resource, you will not be able to get access through the bookmarklet. Please contact us if you have a question about our subscriptions.