Course Reserves

Welcome to Course Reserves

Course reserves are library materials that faculty request to be set aside for use in certain courses during a particular semester. Course reserves may consist of electronic (online) materials, print (hard copy) materials, or a combination of the two.

  • Print materials on reserve are accessible to students studying in Boston (Snell Library) and in Oakland (F. W. Olin Library).
  • Electronic reserves, or e-reserves may consist of e-books, articles, streaming media, databases, document uploads, or other online course materials. Instructors may provide access to them on Canvas, another learning platform, or they may be available through the library.

For Faculty/Instructors

For Students


Library staff accept print course reserve materials in compliance with U.S. Copyright Law and the provisions of fair use. Learn more about fair use here.

Course Reserve service supports the teaching activities of Northeastern University. The Northeastern University Library exercises the right to determine conditions of use and to refuse materials for reserve for legal or other reasons.