Library Terms
Library research has a specialized vocabulary that can be unfamiliar. This page includes a selection of library or research terms and their definitions.
A summary of a research article that appears at the beginning of the document. Reading the abstract may help you decide if you want to read the full article.
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A note, comment, or explanation. Can be added to citations to create annotated bibliographies.
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A geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri. ArcGIS enables you to analyze, visualize, and interpret spatial data for better decision-making.
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Written content on a narrow subject and published in a periodical or website. In some contexts, academics may use article as a shortened form of journal article.
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- Green Paper
- Grey Literature
- Journal
- Peer Review
- Periodical
- Scholarly Source
- White Paper
- Working Paper
A detailed list of resources cited in an article, book, or other publication. Also called a List of References.
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Boston Library Consortium (BLC)
A group of libraries in New England that work together to share resources with students, faculty, and staff of member libraries. Northeastern University is a member of this group. Requesting a consortium library card is free to Northeastern students.
More information:
- About the Boston Library Consortium
- Boston Library Consortium Access & Borrowing
- Request a Boston Library Consortium Card
Boston Public Library (BPL)
A free library available to people who work, live or attend school in Massachusetts. Boston Public Library’s collection includes physical and digital access to books, journals, and films.
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Call Number
A label of letters and/or numbers that tell you where the resource can be found in the library. Call numbers are displayed on print books and physical resources and correspond with a topic or subject area.
A list of all the items in a library’s physical collection. Modern catalogs are searchable databases. Catalogs include information about the item’s:
- title
- creator
- publication
- subject
- availability
- location in the library
Also called a catalogue, OPAC. Historically a card catalog.
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Citation Manager
Software that can help you collect, organize, and cite sources. The library provides training on five specific citation managers: BibTeX, EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks, and Zotero. Also called citation management software, citation management tool or reference manager.
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Course Reserve
Physical materials assigned by an instructor and held at the library. These materials are generally restricted to in-building use for a limited period. At faculty discretion, some materials may be checked out overnight or for a few days.
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A searchable collection of similar items. Library databases include resources for research. Examples include: a newspaper database, such as Access World News, or a humanities scholarly journal database, such as JSTOR.
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Digital Repository
A searchable online storage space for video files, images, and documents. Specialized digital repositories collect materials related to a theme or institution.
Northeastern University Library manages the Digital Repository Service (DRS). The DRS collects digital material related to Northeastern University’s history and academic work.
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The conversion of print or analog material to a digital format. Examples of digitization include:
- scanning a paper book and creating a PDF file
- digitally recording a VHS tape and creating an MP4 file
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A paper written to fulfill requirements for a degree containing original research on a narrow topic. Also called a thesis.
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Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
A unique number assigned to some digital content. DOIs do not change even if the online location or ownership of the resource changes.
Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD)
A digital version of a thesis or dissertation produced by a master’s or Ph.D. student. Most theses and dissertations written by Northeastern University students are ETDs. Interested researchers can find Northeastern ETDs in the Digital Repository Service. Theses and dissertations written before 2007 are only available in print format in the Northeastern University Archives.
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Evidence Synthesis
A broad category of research in which existing research is reviewed to clarify what is known. Evidence synthesis uses explicit and reproducible methods. Common types of evidence synthesis include systematic reviews, scoping reviews, integrative reviews, and umbrella reviews.
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Full text
The entirety of an article or book, as opposed to a summary or description. Libraries often provide access to the full text as an attached file or in a web reader.
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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
A computer-based means of storing, analyzing, and displaying geographic data. Researchers use Geographic Information Systems to create maps and charts.
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Geospatial Analysis
A way of examining and interpreting data about geographic locations, or spatial data. Geospatial analysis examines spatial data to gain insights and identify patterns or trends. Also called geospacial analysis.
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Green Paper
A government document shared to inform and start discussion about proposed policy.
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Grey Literature
Research or reports circulated outside of a traditional publication process. Types of grey literature include:
- white papers
- green papers
- working papers
- government documents
- conference proceedings
- dissertations
Also called gray literature.
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A request to be the next to use an item that is currently checked out.
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The system Northeastern’s library uses for interlibrary loan requests. The first time you request materials, you’ll need to set up your account.
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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
A library service that allows you to request resources your library does not have. At Northeastern University, this service is free. Materials are delivered electronically when possible.
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International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
A unique number used to identify books. Many databases and search engines allow you to search for a book using an ISBN.
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An ongoing publication focused on current developments in a field. Journal issues are released on a regular schedule.
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A meaningful word or phrase in a source’s database or catalog record. Keywords are often used as search terms to retrieve records that contain the word or phrase.
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Library Department
A unit of Northeastern’s library with responsibility for services or systems. Some departments are referred to by their acronyms:
- Information Delivery and Access Services (IDEAS) provides support for navigating library services and systems.
- Library Technology Services (LTS) maintains library systems.
- Research & Instruction (R&I) supports research, teaching, and the development of critical research skills. Research and Instruction includes:
- Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities group (ASSH)
- STEM and Entrepreneurship group (STEM & E)
- Global Campus Engagement and Online Learning group.
- Resource & Discovery Services (RADS) manages the library’s electronic resources and Boston’s print collection.
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A search setting that removes search results based on source attributes. Limiters vary by database but often include publication date, material type, and language. Also called: filter or facet.
Notes, comments, annotations, sketches, added to the margins of a text. These can be typed or hand-written. Marginalia can include headers, footnotes, and sidenotes. In some cases, marginalia are written by the author of a text, but is often notes made by a reader.
Information associated with a resource, usually organized in a specific way. The word metadata means “data about data”.
Metadata varies but often includes title, creator, and format. Descriptive metadata makes it possible to find and identify resources in a collection. When the metadata in a collection is standardized, the predefined structure is called a metadata schema.
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A book that covers a single topic in detail.
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Open Access (OA)
Research or data available for free. Open access resources are sometimes labeled with an unlocked padlock symbol. These resources often have permissive licenses that support re-use and sharing.

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Words used to connect multiple search terms to bring back targeted results. Operators can be used to reduce or expand the number of search results. Operators include:
- OR
Also called: Boolean Operator.
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Peer Review
Well-regarded review process used by some academic journals. Relevant experts review articles for quality and originality before publication. Articles reviewed using this process are called peer reviewed articles. Less often, these articles are called refereed articles.
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A newspaper, magazine or journal that is published on a regular schedule.
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A free and open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) application. This tool set enables you to capture, analyze, visualize, and share geographic data. QGIS is a Mac-friendly alternative to ArcGIS.
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Raster Data
Data defined by a grid of equally sized cells, akin to pixels.
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To transfer information from one format to another. Example: Scanning a paper newspaper to create an online or PDF version. Reformatting includes digitization.
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Research Subject Guide
A webpage or pages created by librarians to guide your research in a field or course. Research guides include links to resources, tutorials, and other information.
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The removal of a published article from a journal. A journal’s editors or editorial board can decide to retract an article when it has serious errors. Errors that can result in retraction include:
- errors in research methods
- manipulation of data or results
- plagiarism
- copyright infringement
- conflicts of interest
- lack of institutional review board approval
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Scholarly Source
A book or article written by academic researchers and published by an academic press or journal. Scholarly sources contain original research and commentary.
- Scholarly articles are published in journals focused on a field of study. also called academic articles.
- Scholarly books are in-depth investigations of a topic. They are often written by a single author or group. Alternatively in anthologies, chapters are contributed by different authors.
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Common filetype (.shp) for points, lines, or polygons. This filetype is widely used in Geographic Information Systems, specifically ArcGIS. Various free shapefiles are available online.
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Scholar OneSearch
A library database that searches a broad range of resources. Material in ScholarOne Search includes:
- Scholarly, newspaper and other articles
- books & eBooks
- streaming music and video
- board games
- archival material
Scholar OneSearch also includes information about material held at Northeastern’s libraries. Researchers can use ScholarOne Search to organize their research and manage borrowed items. To best serve Northeastern University’s widespread community, ScholarOne Search has different views:
- The Online / Global network view shows all online material.
- The Boston view shows all online material and items held at Snell Library.
- The Oakland view shows all online material and items held at the F. W. Olin Library.
Appropriate views for each global campus are included on their Global Campus Portal.
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Spatial Data
Information tied to specific geographic locations or positions on the Earth’s surface. Also known as “geospatial data”, GeoData, or spacial data.
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Subject Librarian
Library staff who have expertise in an academic subject. A subject librarian can offer advice on:
- types of information available in their subject
- how to search for sources
- how sources can best be used and cited
- where to publish
Subject librarians are available to work with individuals and small groups. They create guides and tutorials and teach workshops.
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Trade Publication
A source focused on sharing news and information of interest to an industry. Trade publications are often published by industry associations. Periodicals related to an industry are called trade journals.
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Unique Identifier
An unrepeated string of numbers and letters used to recognize and differentiate material. Also called an identification number. Examples include American citizen’s’ social security numbers or published books’ ISBNs. A persistent identifier (PID) is a long-lasting type of unique identifier. Persistent identifiers allow you to locate a resource with a URL. Examples include electronic articles’ Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and digital materials’ handles.
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The precise address for a webpage. URL stands for the words uniform resource locator.
Vector Data
A spatial model using coordinates for representing points, lines, and polygons.
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White Paper
A concise, researched report about a complex issue. Readers should gain enough understanding to solve a related problem or make a choice.
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Working Paper
An article or conference proposal draft shared to invite feedback.
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